How to Manifest Your Desires: Complete Guide and Tools

How to Manifest Your Desires: Complete Guide + Tips

Do you feel like you’re working way too hard to manifest upgrades in your life? That’s about to change! Today I’m sharing this step-by-step guide on how to manifest anything you desire.

Once you apply this concept, you’ll be on the road manifesting anything you want, and it’ll be fun! 

What Is Manifesting

Manifesting is the process of turning thoughts into things.

Take a look around. You’ve manifested everything in your life based on your thoughts. You’re so good at manifesting that you often don’t realize you’re doing it. You might be reluctant to believe that you’re creating unwanted experiences, but stay with me for a moment while we explore how manifestation actually works. 

How Manifesting Works: Law of Attraction

The universe operates by Law of Attraction. Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions broadcast a signal to the universe. Then, the universe replies by sending you experiences to match your signal.

This happens every time, without fail. So, if you have a strong belief that you’re unworthy or incapable of creating the life you want, you become a magnet for experiences that reinforce your belief.

You are not being punished!

If you can’t seem to manifest your desires, you’re simply sending out the wrong signal. Don’t underestimate the power of your mind, my friend! 

Once you start choosing your thoughts, you have the power to start creating what you want with intention. This goes for any topic from love or financial abundance to radiant health.  

If you’ve been stuck in negative thought patterns for a long time, changing your outlook probably feels like a difficult thing to do. That’s perfectly okay! Upgrading your beliefs is a process – after all you are retraining your brain toward thoughts that serve you better. Give yourself time, as you’ll have to unlearn things as well. 

How To Manifest

Okay, so to answer your question, how do I start manifesting? There are three basic steps to manifesting something:

  1. Ask
  2. Expect
  3. Receive

If you’re not getting the results you want, you most likely need to adjust your approach to step 2.

Let’s explore each step in more detail, so you can pinpoint exactly where you need to improve your manifestation skills.

Step 1: Ask

The first step in the manifestation process is to clearly identify your desires. This step is fairly easy because it happens naturally as you go through life, especially when something unwanted happens.

When you have an undesirable experience, you immediately become aware that you’d prefer something different. For this reason, never regret your challenges in life because they serve a very important purpose for manifesting: they offer clarity.

Sometimes it helps to journal or create a collage of what you want to manifest, so you have something tangible to focus on. Other times, you know just what you want and can conjure up the image in your mind. Do what works for you.   

Set Clear Intentions

When you feel negative emotions as a result of an unwanted situation, that’s your intuition giving you insights about what’s important to you. This intuitive guidance helps you get super clear on what you want in life, so you can fine tune future experiences. 

The most successful manifestors use their ‘step 1 experiences’ as fuel for upgrades. 

Think of something that’s recently happened that you didn’t like. What did that experience teach you about your personal preferences? Here’s how you can use your negative emotions to come up with your focus for manifesting. Fill in the blanks of this sentence: 

“When I felt _________ it blessed me with the clarity that I want more __________ in my life.”

The second part of the sentence is what you’re going to focus on manifesting. This exercise shifts your focus from the problem to the solution. Think about the people you admire, who seem to get everything they want so easily. Are they constantly complaining? No! Your manifestations are a reflection of your mindset, and this simple fill-in-the-blank exercise will shift your perspective from victim to hero of your own life.

Step 2: Expect The Best

Now that step 1 has offered you clarity about what you want, step 2 of the manifesting process is to conjure up the feelings that go along with receiving your desires. This step is the bridge between asking and receiving, and it can’t be skipped! In fact, having positive expectations is the secret to manifesting your desires.

At this point, most people get the manifesting process completely backwards, by not allowing themselves to feel satisfied until after they get what they want. As a result, they only experience happiness if/when they ever get to step 3, and it’s always fleeting. Step 2 is all about getting happy now!

You need to feel the joy of receiving your desire before it physically shows up because your emotions are a magnet for your experiences. Are you willing to release your negative emotions now that you know they’re blocking your upgrades?

When you’re just getting started, staying positive while you’re waiting for your desires to unfold is easier said than done. So let’s explore ways to help you feel satisfied, joyful, and abundant now, as a means to your happy outcome. It takes practice, but you’ll experience far more joy in your life as a result. 

This is the most important step in your manifesting work because it puts you in the mindset to attract upgrades into your life.   

Trust The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction works every single time. Take comfort in this knowledge because it means you have unlimited power to make positive change for yourself. 

Think of it this way: when you buy something online, that item becomes yours the moment you click. You know without a doubt that it’s just a matter of time before it physically appears on your doorstep, right? You don’t keep reordering it because you’re afraid it won’t be delivered.

Life experiences work the exact same way. So once you express your desire for something (step 1), get into the mindset that it’s on its way to you. When you do this, the universe will have no choice but to match your upgraded signal with delightful new experiences. 

Start Writing Down Your Manifestation Progress

Once you start improving your thoughts around your desires, you’ll begin to notice evidence that the universe is responding. It will likely start small. Maybe you’ll find  $10 in the laundry, or perhaps someone buys you a cup of coffee.

These little encounters may seem insignificant, but they’re not! They are signs of your progress and power, so celebrate them and keep up the good work.

It’s a great idea to keep track of your progress in a manifestation journal. That way, you can look back and see all the little signs from the universe that showed up along your path. 

Practice Appreciation

Make it a daily practice to express authentic gratitude for what you already have, trusting that more is on the way. As we’ve said, the key to manifesting what you want is to experience the positive emotions of having it, before it actually shows up in your life. Appreciation is such a powerful emotion.

When you’re preparing for sleep, review the events of the day and count every single thing you enjoyed about it.  This will help rewire your brain to look for the positive aspects in every situation, which will help you become a more skilled manifestor.

Visualize Your Happy Outcome

It’s important to let yourself envision life with the upgrades you want. Visualization is a powerful manifesting tool, because it ushers in all the positive emotions that will attract your happy outcome.

One option is to create a collage of images that capture the essence of your desires. This can be electronic or physical. You can write affirmations and clip pictures from magazines or have an electronic folder with your desires. So long as you view it often.

Another option is to find a comfortable space and visualize in the privacy of your mind. You can do this during meditation or simply while daydreaming. Just be intentional and clear. 

Release Limiting Beliefs

Do you actually believe you can attract what you want, or does your doubt outweigh your desire? Make it a practice to clean up negative self-talk. You are absolutely worthy of receiving these upgrades!

If you suffer from low self-esteem, manifesting is going to feel like a rather difficult process. But there are steps you can take to heal your solar plexus chakra, which is your center for personal power. You can check that out in my chakra program here: Chakra Alignment 

Step 3: Receive With Open Arms

If you make these shifts in your mindset, you’ll  improve all areas of your life. When your upgrades show up, take a moment to honor yourself for the beautiful work you’ve done. 

Also know that it’s more than OK for your desires to change once you’ve gone through these steps. Manifesting is a cycle, and new desires will be born as you continue to grow and change. You deserve the very best in all things!

Also, understand that this is a cyclical process. In other words, once you manifest your desire, a new one will hatch. This is perfectly natural! From your new vantage point, you’ll begin to set your sights on new things that weren’t previously on your radar. When that happens, simply start with step one again.

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Concepts taken from 'Ask and It Is Given' by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

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