Welcoming the Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, marks the moment when the sun reaches its northernmost point and shines directly over the Tropic of Cancer. This astronomical event has been celebrated for centuries, symbolizing the peak of summer and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time of joy, abundance, and connection with nature.

Here are some ways to celebrate and make the most of the sun's radiant energy!

1. Sunrise and Sunset Rituals

Greet the sun in the early morning and set your intentions for the day ahead. You can practice yoga, meditation, or simply bask in the first light of the day. As the sun sets, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the evening sky, and reflect on the day's blessings.

2. Bonfire Celebrations

Fire has long been a symbol of the sun's energy and vitality. You can have a tiny personal fire (like we do in circle) or gather with friends at a larger one. Symbolizing purification and transformation, you can prepare by writing down any old habits or negative thoughts you want to release. As you toss these items into the fire, visualize them being transformed into positive energy.

3. Connecting with Nature

Immerse yourself in the natural world by going for a hike or nature walk. Take in the sights, smells, and sounds of our beautiful Mother Earth as you explore the great outdoors. Consider visiting a local botanical garden or nature reserve to appreciate the seasonal blooms and wildlife.

4. Planting and Harvesting

The Summer Solstice is an ideal time for gardening and tending to the land. Plant sun-loving flowers, fruits, and vegetables in your garden, or volunteer at a community garden to help with the summer harvest. Connecting with the earth during this abundant season is a powerful way to honor the solstice.

5. Crafting

Express your creativity by making seasonal crafts and art inspired by the sun, nature, and the elements. Create sun catchers or mandalas using natural materials such as flowers, leaves, and shells. Engaging in artistic activities can help you tap into the energy of the summer.

6. Sun Salutations

Practice yoga sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) as a way to honor the sun's life-giving energy. This sequence of poses is often performed facing the rising or setting sun, it is a meaningful way to connect with the physical and spiritual aspects of the solstice.

7. Embrace Abundance

Summer Solstice is a time of abundance. It's the perfect window to focus on gratitude and prosperity. You can create a prosperity jar, light a green candle, or perform abundance rituals. Simply focus on gratitude for the abundance in your life. Take time to acknowledge and appreciate all the good things that have come to you this year!

May this Litha bring you light, warmth, and blessings.

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